Writing for newspapers as a fintech journalist 🎉🕺


Updated: Mar 10, 2022

My first major break in the world of fintech came with this article, commissioned and published by Business News Wales. Travelling to Cardiff, I conducted interviews, attended events and was left dazzled by the passion of the community. Since then I have gone on to write frequently for leading fintechs and publications including Wealthify, Hargreaves Lansdown, FinTechWales, Fintech Finance and The Insurtech Magazine.


FinTech Success for Wales: “This is Just the Beginning”

Monday night saw the coming together of Wales’ most prestigious business leaders in an exciting FinTech Wales event. With the energy in the room palpable, the tech giants talked of an end of ‘siloed thinking’ and the beginning of one strong voice for the financial technology industry in Wales. If the digital pioneers can secure this, it could lead to a dazzling future for the country’s tech innovation and employment opportunities.

Read the full article here


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