Self-employed without access to the COVID-19 grant?


Updated: May 8, 2020

Sound like you? Yep. Me too. 🤙 This week Hargreaves Lansdown commissioned me to write about money-saving tips, exactly for people like us.

Me at my desk, managing my small business

If you don’t have time to read the full article, here are my 5 tips to help you squeeze some extra cash out of what you already have:

  1. Reach out to your creditors – the FCA rules have changed, you may be able to get free overdrafts or suspend credit cards and loans for a bit.
  2. Chase down outstanding invoices – A bit obvious maybe, but I had to say it. I’ve got more about how to follow up invoices and take someone to a small claims court for non-payment here.
  3. Double check your accounts – working from home means that you may be able to expense some household bills and other things
  4. Cut down your spending – Another obvious but fair point, a glance through your direct debits and having a spring clean could save a wad of cash every month.
  5. Look where you can free up cash – Ok, so you need to break into your savings. But where should you go first?

Read the full article, with more expert tips here


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