Hannah's Blog

If you want to read about the wonderful world of finance, and all the great decisions within it, this isn’t the right place 😅

Might I recommend you head over to some paid-for content for that? Perhaps the blogs of large-scale banks?


Peer-voted as the best financial blogs of 2021 and 2022 at the Headlinemoney awards

Shortlisted articles

greenwashing 2
Greenwashing in finance

$40 TRILLION of Greenwash?!😳

Updated: Jun 14, 2022 The UK is just three degrees away from being underwater. Three. But the very thing that caused the crisis – money –

Finance and fintech

Sketchy things

Daddy issues in finance

Why don’t grown men stand up to their bosses? This was what the notorious 1960s Milgram experiment set out to discover. Forty strapping guys (I imagine) were each told by an authority figure

money soaked in blood
Sketchy things

Is Barclays run by psychopaths?

Since the Paris Agreement in December 2015, Barclays Bank has gone on to funnel more than $164 billion into fossil fuel expansion. $164 BILLION. Umm… WTF?! It’s the largest amount from any UK

Tory Money-Saving Hacks
Sketchy things

Tory Money-Saving Hacks 🤑

… Feeling the financial pinch? With the cost of living crisis escalating, we all need to find ways to be a bit more thrifty. Luckily, if there’s one thing this government knows, it’s

bankers and bullshit
Freelance Financial Writing

10 things bankers and bullsh** have in common

I love bankers. For years I was one (sort of). But you have to admit, they’re often full of crap. Suits so rigid they’re practically torture devices. And hair so slicked it’s basically

Greenwashing in finance

Why do bankers call things “sexy”?😅

Updated: Apr 3, 2023 If you work in wealth management (or had the misfortune to be surrounded by people who do), you’ve likely heard this strange turn of phrase. Out of the blue, and

investment managers
Just for laughs

10 Jokes for Investment Managers

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 This might be the worst idea I ever had. Let’s do it. We all like a rubbish joke right? The kind which ignites facepalms and leave only the joke-teller laughing.

Freelance life and journalism tips

epic power partying

The epic power of partying

My legs are 🔥BURNING🔥 right now. And it’s been six entire days since I stopped dancing at the FFAwards. SIX. Thank god I wore my comfy heels. I’ve just returned from London’s epic

coffe in london the glitch
Freelance Financial Writing

My Favourite Freelance Cafes in London ☕️✨

When you freelance, you get to be your own boss! YASSSS!!! You can go wherever you want. Do whatever you like. Eat whenever you fancy. But there is an awkward catch… You have

freelancing tips
Freelance Financial Writing

104 Freelancing Tips🕺

Oh my days. I’ve now been a full-time freelance writer for four years and two months! It’s been a journey. I’ve had to battle my tiny business through Brexit, COVID, huge fintech redundancies,

Freelance Financial Writing

Freelancing and grief 💙

On Wednesday 7th September at 9 pm, I stopped breathing properly. My grandfather’s neighbours – who are sort of like family – called me to say that they’d found him face down on

freelance copy writer
Freelance Financial Writing

How to become a freelance writer 🕺

Updated: Feb 19 Remember when Peter Parker threw himself off a building? Somehow this random guy trusted that the weird gunk coming out of his fingertips was going to save him. That’s kind of

Freelance Financial Writing

How I get clients…

Updated: Nov 8, 2021 For many people, the hardest part of running a business is getting others to believe in your product and part with their money. As a freelance writer, this is something

Freelance Financial Writing

How to get quoted by journalists

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 Want to sharpen your panel speaking skills? Attending talks, logging into webinars and plugging into podcasts are ideal places for financial journalists like me to discover new hooks. Here are

Freelance Financial Writing

How to write the best investment content ✨

Updated: Apr 5, 2022 Looking for ways to sharpen your investment content? Here are 15 powerful tips for silky copy which melts in your mouth and caresses your brain. 1. Who are you writing

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