Freelance life and journalism tips

Freelance Financial Writing

Can we talk about COVID-brain?

Updated: Mar 7, 2022 Mary Poppins references have served me well in the past. So, here’s another one, I look like the mad bird woman. You might as well give me your tuppence because

Freelance Financial Writing

Financial planning for gay couples

Updated: Mar 7, 2022 Here in the UK, we’re a nation of suppressed, apologetic, tea-glugging money mis-managers. More than 77% of us feel stressed about our financial fiascos and 20% of us are too

Freelance Financial Writing

Self-employed without access to the COVID-19 grant?

Updated: May 8, 2020 Sound like you? Yep. Me too. 🤙 This week Hargreaves Lansdown commissioned me to write about money-saving tips, exactly for people like us. If you don’t have time to read

Freelance Financial Writing

Filling a market gap with investment content

Updated: Sep 11, 2021 Writing for finance is not like writing for anything else. There are a myriad of rules you have to follow, or firms can be slapped across the face with spectacular

Freelance Financial Writing

Staying in business, without government support 🙄

When Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak triumphantly announced a COVID-19 support package for the UK’s self-employed, we probably rejoiced too soon. What do people always say about trusting politicians…? While the government

copywriting hannah

Copywriting for the insurance technology sector

I love writing for all different areas of technology, and especially when I get the chance to promote my beautiful country. I hope you enjoy this article which reveals how an unlikely nation

Freelance Financial Writing

How to build a content strategy: Phase three

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 Check you out. You’ve identified your key audience, messages and channels in phase one. Then you went onto your evergreen strategy of optimising your website for Google and increasing your

Freelance Financial Writing

Here’s why you should support freelancers

Updated: Apr 30, 2021 Across the UK, nearly 5 million[1] people have set up on their own and become self-employed. Leading the way is The Midlands[2], which is a special hotspot for hairdressers, tutors

Freelance Financial Writing

How to build a content strategy: Phase two

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 If you’ve been following phase one of building a content strategy, by now you should have already clearly defined your: 1. Audience 2. Message 3. Channels Once you’ve presented this

Freelance Financial Writing

How to build a content strategy: Phase one

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 Creating a content strategy can be a real pain while you’re also dealing with the day-to-day business of running your department. Annoyingly, planning a strategy isn’t something that can be