Freelance life and journalism tips

Freelance Financial Writing

Hannah’s Blog: Highlights of 2021🥂

Updated: Jan 19, 2022 It’s now been two and a half years since I quit Wealth Management and started working for myself as a freelancer. 2021 was, undoubtedly, the best year so far. I

Freelance Financial Writing

How I get clients…

Updated: Nov 8, 2021 For many people, the hardest part of running a business is getting others to believe in your product and part with their money. As a freelance writer, this is something

Freelance Financial Writing

How to get quoted by journalists

Updated: Dec 15, 2022 Want to sharpen your panel speaking skills? Attending talks, logging into webinars and plugging into podcasts are ideal places for financial journalists like me to discover new hooks. Here are

Freelance Financial Writing

2 years, 1 month of freelancing 🥂

Updated: Sep 6, 2021 I honestly can’t believe that I’ve made it this far. It just doesn’t feel real. I mean, that’s not exactly true. Sometimes it’s too real. Yesterday for example, after a

Freelance Financial Writing

Why do I write Hannah’s Blog?

Updated: Sep 9, 2021 I don’t get paid to write these blogs. On the contrary, writing them takes time and focus away from paid work. I’m sure that if I didn’t write blogs, I

Freelance Financial Writing

Why I ditched the boss and went freelance 🤙

Updated: Mar 7, 2022 Like a quarter of Brits from my generation, I worked evenings and weekends as a teenager. I collected my first pay cheque at thirteen, earning £200 a month. Fifteen years

Freelance Financial Writing

How to write the best investment content ✨

Updated: Apr 5, 2022 Looking for ways to sharpen your investment content? Here are 15 powerful tips for silky copy which melts in your mouth and caresses your brain. 1. Who are you writing

Freelance Financial Writing

Why Hannah Duncan Investment Content Ltd?

… Bit of a mouthful isn’t it? I often wonder if I should have picked a more zingy name for my company. Something which sparkles in the memory, or ignites a little pop

Freelance Financial Writing

How to become a financial blog writer

Writing blogs is no joke. The amount of research, analysis and love that goes into each one can be overwhelming. As a financial freelance writer, I’ve found myself pouring my heart out over