Freelance life and journalism tips

Freelance Financial Writing

25 things freelancers hear the time

I average about 65 emails a day, and *SPOILER* around 45 will be press releases. I think every journalist can relate to this. But freelancers get a few extra surprises thrown in the

how to massively fuck up seo
Freelance Financial Writing

How To Massively F**k Up SEO

Dan Callis has seen it all. As a self-employed SEO Advisor, he spends his working days unpicking the website damage done by well-meaning marketing teams. Ever the professional, Dan refuses to spill what

coffe in london the glitch
Freelance Financial Writing

My Favourite Freelance Cafes in London ☕️✨

When you freelance, you get to be your own boss! YASSSS!!! You can go wherever you want. Do whatever you like. Eat whenever you fancy. But there is an awkward catch… You have

freelancing tips
Freelance Financial Writing

104 Freelancing Tips🕺

Oh my days. I’ve now been a full-time freelance writer for four years and two months! It’s been a journey. I’ve had to battle my tiny business through Brexit, COVID, huge fintech redundancies,

what makes me write
Freelance Financial Writing

What makes me write about your panel?

Your panel. It’s a big deal. I know what it’s like. Sweaty palms, palpitations, trying to memorise stats. It’s like you’re 15 again, about to go into a French-speaking exam. Except it’s in

How to write a banging press release
Freelance Financial Writing

How to write a banging press release 💥

As a journalist, everyday I get between 30 and 40 press releases. It really clogs the inbox. But that’s nothing compared to editors. One New York Times editor revealed that 400 a day

Freelance Financial Writing

Freelancing and grief 💙

On Wednesday 7th September at 9 pm, I stopped breathing properly. My grandfather’s neighbours – who are sort of like family – called me to say that they’d found him face down on

bankers and bullshit
Freelance Financial Writing

10 things bankers and bullsh** have in common

I love bankers. For years I was one (sort of). But you have to admit, they’re often full of crap. Suits so rigid they’re practically torture devices. And hair so slicked it’s basically

freelance copy writer
Freelance Financial Writing

How to become a freelance writer 🕺

Updated: Feb 19 Remember when Peter Parker threw himself off a building? Somehow this random guy trusted that the weird gunk coming out of his fingertips was going to save him. That’s kind of

Freelance Financial Writing

What was it like writing BUCKAROOS? 🤠

Updated: Feb 23, 2022 On Friday something dropped. Like a smoking hot potato. 🔥 The magazine supplement I’d been working on for twelve long months finally hit the world. At first I didn’t believe