2 years, 1 month of freelancing 🥂


Updated: Sep 6, 2021

I honestly can’t believe that I’ve made it this far. It just doesn’t feel real.

I mean, that’s not exactly true. Sometimes it’s too real. Yesterday for example, after a sleepless night I heaved myself out of bed at 4am to start writing an article which was on my mind. By 2pm, and on the train to Cardiff, I read the whole thing back and deleted it. It wasn’t hitting the mark. That’s kind of how I’m living my life these days.

10pm writing a blog while cooking dinner… I’ll later delete it.

Don’t get me wrong, the work isn’t suffering. I can tell you right now, this article will be one of the best I’ve ever written by the time it’s done. But, I am a bit. Not a lot, but a bit.

Carrying a freelance business through Brexit, COVID and the incoming recessions that economists warn about… it’s kind of a lot. Like most newcomers, I seriously underestimated how much tax I’d need to save. Now I’m stuck in a vicious cycle where I need to make more money to pay off late taxes, but that extra profit leads to higher taxes next April. This is not a fun game. Being a freelancer isn’t always a picnic. Especially with weather like this.

Working on the train the next day. Blog deleted.

But … there is a flip side. A flip to the flop of taxes and stress. (Sorry, I’m sitting near a Havaianas shop).

And it’s not just any flip side. It’s an Olympic-winning acrobatic flip side. A flip side so flipping wonderful that it makes everything so damn worth it. And that’s freedom.

Or “FREEDOMMMMM!!!” to quote Mel Gibson.

  • Freedom to decide what work you do or don’t do. (Super important to me! Never again will I churn out green wash bullshit I don’t believe in).
  • Freedom to define YOUR direction.
  • Freedom to work from wherever you want, whenever you want, however you want. BAM!

The feeling of being unshackled from office life, or some sad old wanker who just wants to micromanage you and put you down… once you leave, you never want to go back. It’s addictive. It’s everything you imagined it would be.

I wasn’t short of self-confidence before, but now I really do feel like I can do anything. Because, well, if you can survive for two years and one month as a freelancer in this climate… what can’t you do?

These days I am branching out a little. I am in negotiations about a book deal, which is crazy exciting news for me. I started entering my work for awards and to my amazement, my blog was shortlisted for Headline Money’s Blog of the Year (I find out the results in 2 weeks… I don’t expect to win, but please wish me luck all the same!). I’m also tentatively broaching experts about a tech product I would like to create … more on that if it goes anywhere.

We’re famous!

So, that’s more or less where I am! It’s a rollercoaster for sure, but there are definitely more ups than downs. Oh… and for any of you nosey bastards who are interested, by the skin of my teeth I am still earning the same salary as I did in my last job as a Senior Content Manager.

Thank you to all my wonderful clients and supporters who are helping me on my journey. I owe you everything.

Living the dream since August ’18. Oh and … Blog completed.

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