5 more jokes for Investment Managers


Updated: Dec 15, 2022

The analytics speak for themselves, I’m delighted (and baffled) that people seemed to really go for my 10 festive jokes for Investment Managers.

So to help you keep on smiling in these tricky times, here are 5 more terrible ticklers for investment managers … enjoy!

When investment managers talk about rising markets

… it’s usually a load of bull.

What do you call a loan manager who always writes off the debt? …. Grant.

How do client advisers spend Valentine’s day? ♥

… With their man dates.

Diversification isn’t the only free lunch in finance … there’s a legendary Buffet too.

(I can only apologise for that one! 😅🤪)


What do you get if you let an Investment Manager organise your party entertainment?🎉

… A bunch of overweight Bonds, underweight Chers mixed up with some very alternative vehicles. 🕺


I hope you like my jokes! I made them up myself. I don’t mind if you want to share them or use them, but cannot be held responsible for any subsequent consequences, including (but not limited to) awkward silences, loss of valued friendships or the sour taste of regret 😝.

Believe it or not, my investment writing and fintech journalism are actually better than my sense of humour.

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